2. お知らせ
  3. 大切なお知らせ/Important Announcement

大切なお知らせ/Important Announcement


いつもguesthouse Nafsha を応援して下さっている皆様、誠にありがとうございます。

ひとつ、個人的なご報告がございます。 この度、私たち夫婦の間に子供を授ることができました。


長くなりましたが、今後ともguesthouse Nafshaを、どうぞ末永く見守っていただけますと幸いです。

Dear supporters of guesthouse Nafsha,

Thank you so much for your continued encouragement and support.
I have been feeling restless recently, realizing that I haven’t been able to share the charm of Sukagawa City and the Iwase area as much as I would like due to infrequent updates.

I have a personal announcement to share with you. My husband and I are overjoyed to share that we are expecting a child. After three and a half years of fertility treatment, we have finally been blessed with this precious new life. We are overwhelmed with happiness and spend each day filled with gratitude. The baby is due in the spring of next year.

With this in mind, we have decided to temporarily close Nafsha for a while. We will remain open until February of next year, after which we will take a break to focus on childbirth and parenting.
We sincerely apologize to those who had been planning to stay with us. We will do our best to continue sharing updates on Instagram, so we hope you’ll join us there to feel the atmosphere of Iwase online.

Last year, at the end of the year, my younger brother passed away. This year, we were blessed with the long-awaited gift of new life, which has brought about many deep emotions. We are reminded of the preciousness of life, the gratitude for each day we breathe and live, and the bittersweet reality of saying goodbye to departing souls. It feels as though this is all we can truly do—to cherish the life given to us, to grieve, and to bid farewell.

This message has become longer than expected, but we humbly ask for your continued support and understanding as we move forward. It is our hope to share the joyful news of our baby’s arrival with you in the spring.

As the days grow shorter and the chill of winter deepens, we wish you all health and happiness. May you enjoy a peaceful and tranquil end of the year and a warm start to the next.

With gratitude,
Sato Satoshi & Misato
Owners, guesthouse Nafsha

guesthouse Nafsha
オーナー 佐藤聡・美郷

