2. お知らせ
  3. guesthouse Nafsha will depart

guesthouse Nafsha will depart

『guesthouse Nafsha』が出航します。

Nafsha(ナフシャ)とは、「宇宙の根源と私たちをつなぐ」という古代ユダヤの言葉。美郷がアルバイトをさせてもらっていた淡路島の『Art & Cafe Nafsha』から、その名前を受け継いでいます。
実は淡路のNafsha自体も神戸から受け継いだものだとか。なんだか “Nafsha”って「それぞれの思いが受け継がれて生きていく」、そんな場所なのかなとも思います。

guesthouse Nafshaは、福島県の真ん中より少し下あたり、須賀川市というところにできます。人口7万人の大きくも小さくもない市ですが、ゲストハウスができるのは、その中でも西側のすっごい田園地帯。


“guesthouse Nafsha” has departed.
This guest house plan that has been promoted since the winter of 2018. We have been really supported by many people from the concept creation and renovation stages. We’d like to thank you all again.

“Nafsha” is an ancient Jewish word meaning “connects us with the origin of the universe”.
This name is inherited from “Art & Cafe Nafsha” in Awaji Island, where Misato worked before.
Actually, Nafsha in Awaji itself was inherited from a café in Kobe, so we can say “Nafsha” is a traveling place with the owner’s spirit. 

Our guesthouse is located in Sukagawa City, just below the center of Fukushima Prefecture. This city is neither big nor small with a population of about 70,000, and Nafsha is in the beautiful western countryside of the city.
Various birds singing can be heard through the year, and the beautiful vast golden rice fields can be seen in the fall, a lot of snow in the winter time, of course.

“Making together” is an indispensable theme for us.
The world created with someone –even if it is a little looks distorted– is much more beautiful than the perfect world created alone.
So, our guests are also essential members to create and complete our guesthouse.

Please feel free to visit us, just like visiting your friend from old time.

We are looking forward to seeing you here.

尾崎泰弘先生の命日に/ To the memory of Yasuhiro Ozaki, our guru.
guesthouse Nafsha owner: Akira & Misato
(Our stories are こちら

